David Meschede

I am a PhD student at the Department for Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Cologne and in September 2019 became member of the research project 'Future-Making, environmental change and socio-economic transformations in East Kalimantan, Indonesia'.
I studied Asian Studies (B.A.) and Regional Studies Southeast Asia (M.A.) at the Institute for Oriental and Asian Studies at the University of Bonn. Throughout my studies, my regional focus has always been on insular Southeast Asia. Of particular interest for me is the island of Borneo and the indigenous ethnic groups collectively known as the Dayak people. Research areas have been human-environmental relations in rural areas, societal and cultural transformations since the end of colonialism, as well as questions of ethnic identity.
For my B.A. thesis I analyzed the outbreaks of ethnic violence between the Dayak and the Madurese in the West and Central Kalimantan provinces of Indonesia throughout the 1990's and early 2000's, while in my M.A. thesis I examined transnational ethnic identities in the upriver borderland between the Indonesian province of West Kalimantan and the Malaysian state of Sarawak.